Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Finance, Republic of Indonesia
Jin Liqun, President and Chair of the Board of Directors, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Masood Ahmed, President, Center for Global Development
This event will be hosted in-person at CGD's DC office: 2055 L St NW, 5th floor, Washington, DC 20036
What do middle income countries (MICs) want from the multilateral development banks (MDBs)? Large developing countries like Indonesia have longstanding relationships with the MDBs and have been among their most important clients. But these relationships are now receiving renewed attention as the climate crisis has focused global attention on the need to pursue green growth strategies in large developing economies. As these countries seek to mitigate their climate emissions without harming their prospects, MDBs have emerged as their leading partners, often at the behest of wealthy country shareholders.
But how are governments in developing countries rethinking their own relationships with the MDBs? How should the MDBs adapt to their demands, not just to support climate change mitigation but their development strategies more broadly?
In this session, we will hear from two leading voices on these critical questions. Minister Indrawati and President Jin know both sides of the MDB-MIC relationship better than most, and both are now on the front lines of the critical effort to unlock financing for climate change mitigation. The government of Indonesia and the AIIB are each on the vanguard of a client-driven approach to MDB engagement, and in turn, both are demonstrating leadership on the climate finance agenda. CGD president Masood Ahmed will engage Minister Indrawati and President Jin in a conversation about the critical relationship between MDBs and middle-income countries, drawing on the important lessons learned by a leading developing country government and an innovative MDB.
Refreshments will be provided. For a full list of CGD Spring Meetings events, click here.