A Better Globalization: Legitimacy, Governance, and Reform

Kemal Dervis
Ceren Özer
July 14, 2005

Read the brief

The huge costs of armed conflict, the great challenge of state failure, and the slow pace of international actions to address world poverty all point to weaknesses in the global institutional framework and the need for much more effective international cooperation. A Better Globalization: Legitimacy, Governance, and Reform is a reformist manifesto that argues that gradual institutional change can produce beneficial results if it is driven by an ambitious long-term vision and by a determination to continually widen the limits of the possible. It presses for reform on a broad front with a renewed, more legitimate, and more effective United Nations as the overarching framework for global governance based on global consent.

What others are saying about A Better Globalization: Legitimacy, Governance, and Reform

“One of the most imaginative solutions to the problem of reorganizing the United Nations.”
Francis Fukuyama
Professor of International Political Economy
John Hopkins University

“Dervis brings unique insight into improving the effectiveness and legitimacy of global institutions.”
Paul Martin
Prime Minister of Canada

“In this book [Dervis] skillfully uses his extensive national and international experience to discuss some of the difficult global issues of our time.”
General Brent Scowcroft
former US National Security Advisor

“For out-of-the-box ideas on [global governance], this is certainly the book to read.”
Ernesto Zedillo
former President of Mexico

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