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Bargaining with Beijing: A Tale of Two Borrowers
November 18, 2020
We examine the behavior of Chinese government lenders in two debt rescheduling episodes: a “low stakes” case involving Seychelles and a “high stakes” case involving the Republic of Congo. The fact that the Republic of Congo was worse off after rescheduling its debts with Beijing underscores the impo...
Women’s Economic Empowerment in West Africa: Towards a Practical Research Agenda
October 20, 2020
Evidence on ‘what works’ to promote women’s economic empowerment has expanded in recent years but remains geographically unbalanced, with English speaking countries and those with more longstanding research traditions better represented. Recognizing the importance of context specificity in understan...
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What Health Workers in Africa Know, What They Have to Work With, and How To Translate That into Quality of Care
October 05, 2020
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, the quality of health services across many African countries was too low.  In an article that is now forthcoming at BMJ Global Health, we draw on data for more than 20,000 health providers and 8,000 facilities to construct an aggregate measure o...
An Analysis of Clinical Knowledge, Absenteeism, and Availability of Resources for Maternal and Child Health: A Cross-Sectional Quality of Care Study in 10 African Countries
October 05, 2020
Our findings highlight the need to boost the knowledge of health care workers to achieve greater care readiness. Training programs have shown mixed results, so systems may need to adopt a combination of competency-based pre-service and in-service training for health care providers (with evaluation t...
Subjective Expectations and Demand for Contraception
September 30, 2020
One-quarter of married, fertile-age women in Sub-Saharan Africa report not wanting a pregnancy and yet do not use contraceptives. To study this issue, we collect detailed data on women’s subjective probabilistic beliefs and estimate a structural model of contraceptive choices
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Africa Needs a Stronger Europe, Europe Needs a Stronger Africa
September 10, 2020
With both the United States and China emerging as spoilers in the international system, Africa’s efforts to increase its economic power will only succeed if met with a more expansive European foreign policy, backed by an increase in resources to match such ambitions.