The UK has historically been the largest provider of aid to the multilateral system and has often led reforms that have accelerated development. Following the UK leaving the European Union on 31 January 2020 and the near-simultaneous arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK has broadly maintained its commitment to multilateralism. CGD’s work aims to identify opportunities for the UK to take the lead in tackling development challenges at the global level and through the multilateral system.
The Future of UK Development Policy
The UK was once seen as a leader in international development, but amid a series of crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and spikes in energy and food prices triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has stepped back in recent years, with majo...
The UK Role in Global Health: Present Challenges and Future DirectionsVIRTUAL
February 21, 2024 6:00—7:30 AM EDT | 11.00am – 12:30pm GMT -
Blog Post
How Should the ‘D’ in FCDO Be Organized?January 25, 2024