


4:00—5:30 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

The Asian Development Bank at 50: Adapting for a New Era in Development Finance


Stephen Groff
Vice President, Asian Development Bank

Marisa Lago
Assistant Secretary for International Markets and Development, US Department of Treasury

Changyong Rhee
Director of the Asia and Pacific Department, International Monetary Fund

Cinnamon Dornsife
Senior Advisor, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University

Scott Morris
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) was founded in 1966 to promote development in a region that was still largely poor, lacking access to capital, and far behind the West by nearly all measures of economic progress. The ADB operates in a dramatically different Asia today. Its clients include a small number of countries that are still poor and struggling, but also include countries, paradoxically, whose economies are both engines of growth for the global economy and home to the world's largest poor populations. China in particular, a major ADB shareholder and client, has emerged as a leading financier in the region, including through its own multilateral development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

With the 50th anniversary of ADB as a backdrop, this event will examine how the bank is adapting to the dramatic changes in Asia, and what its role in the region should be in the years ahead. Does ADB financing still matter in a region that is seemingly awash in capital? How do the bank's leading shareholders like the United States and Japan see the institution's role going forward? Are new institutions like the AIIB partners or rivals, and how are they causing the ADB to adapt?

A stellar panel will consider these issues, looking to the future of the ADB on the occasion of a landmark anniversary. Please join us for a cocktail reception immediately following the event.

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