


10:00—11:30 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Does the Past Condemn Us? A Conversation on the Future of US Foreign Assistance

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Nancy Birdsall, President, Center for Global Development

Raj Shah, Distinguished Fellow, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; Senior Fellow, Results for America; and former Administrator, USAID

Michael Gerson, Columnist, Washington Post; Policy Fellow, The ONE Campaign; Senior Fellow, Results for America; and former Presidential Speechwriter and Assistant to the President for Policy and Strategic Planning

Join Nancy Birdsall for a bipartisan conversation with Raj Shah and Michael Gerson on the future of US foreign assistance: what works, what doesn’t, why we should care, and what we should do to reform it.

Shah, USAID Administrator under President Obama, and Gerson, assistant to President George W. Bush for policy and strategic planning, are co-authors of “Foreign Assistance and the Revolution of Rigor” in the recently released second edition of Moneyball for Government.

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