


11:00—12:00 PM EDT | 4:00—5:00 PM BST
CGD's DC Office
2055 L Street NW
Washington, DC

A Fireside Chat with IDB President Ilan Goldfajn


Ilan GoldfajnPresident, Inter-American Development Bank

Moderated by

Masood AhmedPresident Emeritus, Center for Global Development

Join the Center for Global Development as Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) President Ilan Goldfajn sits down with CGD President Emeritus Masood Ahmed to take stock of multilateral development banks’ progress on adapting to the challenges of the 21st century. Increasing shocks, chronic fragility, and geopolitical fragmentation all pose new and unique challenges to the MDBs that will require an effective and coordinated response. As the outgoing chair of the Heads of MDBs Group, Goldfajn will share his perspective on driving reforms as these institutions seek to finance the energy transition and reverse slowing global growth.

At his own institution, Goldfajn has sought to improve efficiency and address the underlying causes of lower growth prospects. Goldfajn will reflect on these efforts, shedding light on the obstacles facing MDB reform and the innovative strategies being employed to overcome them.

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