The Impact of Impact Evaluation - Richard Manning, Ian Goldman, Gonzalo Hernandez Licona
Growth in Impact Evaluations Over Time - Marie Gaarder
- Richard Manning, Senior Research Associate, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
- Ian Goldman, Advisor on Evaluation and Evidence Systems, CLEAR Anglophone Africa and Professor, University of Cape Town
- Gonzalo Hernández Licona, Director, Multidimensional Poverty Peer Network (MPPN)
- Marie Gaarder, Executive Director, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)
- Anne Kabagambe, Executive Director, Africa Group I Constituency, World Bank Group
- Timothy Lubanga, Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda
- Divya Nair, Director, IDinsight
- Amanda Glassman, Executive Vice President and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
In 2006, the Center for Global Development published a working group report titled “When Will We Ever Learn” that addressed the insufficient number of rigorous impact evaluations. A decade and a half later, the number of impact evaluations has risen (to over 500 per year), as have those of systematic reviews and other synthesis products. Join CGD for a discussion on new research on what facilitates and inhibits the use of impact evaluation products in policymaking decisions. The findings, which are based on an analysis of international organizations and country case studies in Mexico, Colombia, South Africa, Uganda, and the Philippines, highlight the need to see impact evaluations within a broader spectrum of tools available to support policymakers, ranging from evidence maps and rapid evaluations to formative/process evaluations and systematic reviews. The paper also sheds light on opportunities to learn from good practice in maximizing the prospects of evidence use.