


4:00—5:30 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Look to the Forests: How Performance Payments Can Slow Climate Change

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Michele de Nevers, Report Author and WG Manager

Welcome Remarks

Nancy Birdsall, President, Center for Global Development


Benoit Bosquet, Practice Manager, Environment and Natural Resources, World Bank
Juliana Queiroz Santiago, Environmental Division, Head of Amazon Fund Department, BNDES
Harrison Karnwea, Managing Director, Forestry Development Authority, Government of Liberia (via video)

Rajesh Mirchandani, Senior Director of Communications and Policy Outreach, Center for Global Development

With nations signed up to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, and looking ahead to an historic agreement on climate change in Paris, now is the time to underline the fundamental link between climate and development, and to identify practical solutions for both. CGD’s new report details how payment-for-performance in reducing tropical deforestation is a win-win for both climate and development. We know it works, we know how to do it, we know the will is there from both forest countries and donors. So what are the forward-looking policy options that will help scale up tropical forest preservation through REDD+ payment-for performance?

A distinguished panel of innovators, thought-leaders and implementers will discuss the findings of this major new work that address the twin questions of how to minimize climate change and increase development outcomes at the same time.

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