


9:30—11:00 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L St, NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Mapping the Journey to Self-Reliance: USAID’s New Metrics-Driven Approach to Guide Development Investment


Susan Fine, Acting Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning, USAID

Chris Maloney, Senior Advisor, USAID

Bradley Parks, Executive Director, AidData

Sarah Rose, Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development


Erin Collinson, Director of Policy Outreach

In outlining his vision for US development assistance, US Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green has emphasized fidelity to an overarching purpose—ending its need to exist. Consistent with this objective, USAID has been developing a new strategic approach that seeks to more systematically orient its programming toward building countries’ capacity to plan, finance, and manage their own development. A key component of this “journey to self-reliance” framework is a set of metrics that will help assess each country’s progress along their journey. The metrics will help inform strategic planning around the nature of USAID’s partnership with the country, shape development dialogue, and help inform thinking about strategic transitions. 

Please join us for the first public discussion of USAID’s new metrics-driven approach. The event will include a brief presentation from USAID staff on the metrics and how they will help guide the agency’s approach to development investments under the new self-reliance framework. Following, a panel of experts will discuss the new metrics, the merits and limitations of using quantitative indicators to inform decision-making, and the journey to self-reliance concept more broadly. 


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