Open Philanthropy’s Cause Prioritization Framework
Alexander Berger, Co-CEO, Open Philanthropy
Peter Favaloro, Research Fellow, Open Philanthropy
Eva Vivalt, Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Toronto
Justin Sandefur, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Since 2014, Open Philanthropy has directed over $1.5 billion in grants, and plans to give an additional $1 billion during 2022 and 2023 to evidence-based charities working in global health and development. How should an evidence-minded donor pick among competing causes offering different kinds of benefits for different people? In this CGD seminar, Alexander Berger and Peter Favaloro will present Open Philanthropy’s framework for choosing where to give, the value they place on income versus health, and how they think about difficult trade-offs.
Open Philanthropy is a funder of the Center for Global Development. CGD is fully independent and publishes information on all our funding here.