


9:30—12:30 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Women's Economic Empowerment: What Works and How to Measure It


Co-hosted by Data2X/UN Foundation, the International Development Research Centre, and CGD, the session will discuss, first, new evidence on what works to empower women economically and, second, how to measure the subjective dimension of economic empowerment. Interventions such as savings and micro-credit, and mentors and networks will be examined—Which work best, for whom and why? An update of the evidence in A Roadmap for Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment will provide insights on these questions.

What do we know about how to capture 'economic empowerment'? What measures have been used? Are measures such as happiness and well-being relevant? Researchers commissioned to reflect on these questions will present and discuss views informed by the up-to-date evidence. 

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