John Hicklin is a non-resident fellow of the Center for Global Development and a former senior official of the International Monetary Fund. His current research centers on ways to strengthen international cooperation and the role of leadership in achieving and sustaining prosperity. He advises international institutions on evaluation methodology and is on the board of the Small Countries Financial Management Centre, which supports capacity development in small states.
He was Deputy Director of the IMF’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) from 2006-2010 and led evaluations of the IMF's exchange rate policy advice and of its interactions with member countries.
In the wake of the Asian financial crisis he helped to adapt the IMF’s own policies and its role in the international financial system, including through surveillance of country policies, transparency, and a system of standards and codes. He represented the IMF on working groups and committees of the G-10 central banks, the G-20 and G-22 groups of advanced and emerging market economies, and the Financial Stability Forum. He was a visiting fellow at CGD in 2004-2005.
During his career at the IMF he headed country teams on Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines in the 1990s; worked in a dozen countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East on program negotiations and annual policy discussions; and reviewed and approved reports for many African, European, and Latin American economies.
Before joining the IMF he was an economist at the UK Treasury. He has degrees from Oxford University and the London School of Economics and Political Science, and attended Harvard University on a one-year scholarship.