CGD’s Advancing Women in IFI Leadership project is focused on producing evidence-based analysis to help advance women’s participation in leadership and decision-making across international financial institutions (IFIs). The project aims to highlight what works and what doesn’t work—and show how proposed solutions would be implemented—to center women’s role in development decision-making.

Most international financial institutions (IFIs) agree that women’s leadership in crucial in shaping global development. Yet, though progress has been made, the IFIs themselves have much work left to do. CGD research has found that not a single IFI has reached gender parity in leadership. Only two IFIs have ever had women chief executives and the share of women in senior management roles ranges between 6 and 45 percent across the seven major IFIs.

In 2023, the team gathered concrete data to examine trends in women’s leadership at IFIs and used qualitative work to identify both the obstacles that still need to be overcome to ensure women’s representation in high-level positions and the levers that have facilitated progress. Through these analyses of qualitative and quantitative data. as well as through engagement in the public discourse (e.g. via events, blogs, and podcasts) the team has established CGD as a platform for work on women in leadership at IFIs.

The project seeks to help IFIs expand on their existing important initiatives -- like formulating gender strategies and establishing DEI offices -- to walking the talk by reaching gender parity in their own workplaces.   

Image credit for social media/web: Mary Long / Adobe Stock


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Media Mentions

  • World Bank, IMF, and others far from parity on gender equity, finds new data


Advancing Inclusive Leadership in IFIs
How can the intersection of gender and diversity in international financial institution (IFIs) leadership foster more effective and inclusive development outcomes? In the second se...
9th Annual Birdsall House Conference
Join us for this year's 9th Annual Birdsall House Conference on Gender Equality, where we will shine a spotlight on the theme, "Women on the Rise: Breaking Barriers in Internationa...
  • Advancing Inclusive Leadership in IFIs
    How can the intersection of gender and diversity in international financial institution (IFIs) leadership foster more effective an...
  • 9th Annual Birdsall House Conference
    Join us for this year's 9th Annual Birdsall House Conference on Gender Equality, where we will shine a spotlight on the theme, "Wo...


For more information, contact [email protected]


For more information, contact [email protected]


Charles Kenny
Charles Kenny is a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development. His current work focuses on global economic prospects, gender and development, and development finance. He is...
Eeshani Kandpal
Eeshani is a Senior Fellow; prior to this, she was a Senior Economist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank. Her research aims to inform development policy to improve...


  • Charles Kenny
    Charles Kenny is a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development. His current work focuses on global economic prospects, gender and development, and development finance. He is...
  • Eeshani Kandpal
    Eeshani is a Senior Fellow; prior to this, she was a Senior Economist in the Development Research Group of the World Bank. Her research aims to inform development policy to improve...
