Here at CGD we've just wrapped up the 2021 Development Leaders Conference, a private event that brings together leaders from bilateral development agencies, multilateral development banks, and other institutions to discuss how they can best contribute to the major challenges facing the world today. This year, we cohosted the conference alongside the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).
This year's main topic was global public goods, with a particular focus on climate change finance and mitigation. At COP21 (the UN Climate Change Conference) almost every development agency committed to increasing their support for combatting climate change; but how does that square with their traditional focus on poverty reduction and country-based models of development cooperation?
In this episode of the CGD podcast, Carin Jämtin, Sida's director-general, and Alexia Latortue, deputy chief executive of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, join me to share their takeaways from the Development Leaders Conference. Together we discuss the tensions between national and global challenges, how leaders can address them, and what these decisions might mean for agency mandates going forward.
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