


9:30—11:00 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Facing Future Challenges on Uncertain Ground: A Conversation with UNDP Administrator Helen Clark


Helen Clark
Administrator, United Nations Development Programme


Masood Ahmed
President, Center for Global Development

2017 brings both new energy and new challenges for international cooperation. Major donors are questioning the value of globalism, while the UN system anticipates change under a new Secretary-General and with new heads of agencies—including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

As she prepares to step down after eight years as UNDP Administrator and head of the UN Development Group, Helen Clark joins CGD President Masood Ahmed to reflect on recent gains and consider both new and longstanding challenges facing development agencies and the United Nations in particular in the years ahead.

How well equipped is the international system to address violent extremism, the global migration crisis, and climate change during a time of rising nationalism? How are international organizations prepared to meet these challenges in an increasingly constrained fiscal environment? How can new partnerships, better data, and improved governance unleash new funding streams and strengthen political resolve to tackle future challenges?

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