
28 - 29


12:45—12:45 PM
The DoubleTree Hotel, 1515 Rhode Island Ave, NW Washington, DC

The Global Health Policy Research Network- 2005 Conference

The Global Health Policy Research Network (GHPRN) is an initiative of the Center for Global Development, bringing together leading experts in public health, economics and other fields to develop and disseminate original, focused research on high-priority global health policy issues. Over the past two years, the GHPRN has contributed to the global health policy debates with its working groups convened to address major challenges in global public health -- including, for example, how to accelerate R&D for vaccines that benefit the developing world, and how to learn from successful global health programs of the past in the design and implementation of current initiatives. CGD held the first Global Health Policy Research Network Conference on September 28-29 in Washington, D.C. to share information and get feedback on the GHPRN's current and future endeavors; to stimulate conversation between the policy and research communities regarding global health priorities; and to develop near- and mid-term goals of the GHPRN policy research and dissemination agenda.

This event brought together members of the research community from most of the 14 institutions that have been engaged in the Global Health Policy Research Network, as well as individuals who have contributed to working groups. The first day of the conference was dedicated to providing opportunities for researchers to exchange with members of the policy community to better understand the role that empirical research can play in providing an evidence base for decision-making. The second day of the conference featured an agenda-setting session to solicit innovative ideas from network members; these ideas will help shape the GHPRN’s future research agenda. Speaker highlights from the conference include Jean-Louis Sarbib’s insightful remarks on the challenges donors face in providing appropriate and coordinated aid for health, nutrition, and population; James Surowiecki’s innovative thoughts on how to benefit from the "wisdom of crowds" in social science research; and Nils Daulaire’s conclusions from a survey of Global Health Council members on the policy and finance challenges faced by global health implementers. Further updates from the conference will be disseminated shortly through the new GHPRN E-Newsletter. Sign up now!

Download a Q & A about the GHPRN Conference with Ruth Levine, Director of Programs and Senior Fellow

Conference Agenda (PDF)

Speaker Bios (PDF)

For more information visit the GHPRN initiative website

Ruth Levine, Center for Global Development
Ruth Levine
Director of Programs and Senior Fellow
Center for Global Development
Representative McDermott
The Honorable Jim McDermott
US House of Representatives
JeanLouisSarbib, World Bank
Jean-Louis Sarbib
Senior Vice President, Human Development Network
World Bank
James surowiecki
James Surowiecki
Wisdom of Crowds

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