The Trade, Aid and Security Coalition invites you to
the next Global Poverty Roundtable: Power and Roads for Africa
Vijaya Ramachandran
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Thursday, January 31, 2008
12:30 PM --2:00PM
1301 K Street, NW, Suite 500, East Tower
Washington, DC 20005
Please RSVP to Shannon Keating at
[email protected] by Tuesday January 29.
Central to the issue of growth in Africa is the development of the private sector. Without the creation of jobs and businesses, there is no real chance for many Africans to raise their standardsof living or their quality of life. From extensive surveys of private sector businesses carried out over the past decade, we are learning that the high cost of energy is one of the key factors behind the poor performance ofthe private sector in many African countries. Poor transportation infrastructure is also very problematic. There is an urgent need for the United States to back a Clean Infrastructure Initiative for Africa that will enable the construction of roads and the provision of modern energy through a variety of renewable energy sources. Multilateral development banks must also shift their focus towards regional solutions to the infrastructure crisis.
The goal of the Global Poverty Roundtable series is to advance our common interest towards alleviating global poverty. By bringing together allies from diverse sectors, we aim to create a forum for varied andinnovative ideas on foreign assistance, international trade and economicdevelopment. The views expressed at our Roundtables are those of our guests and do not necessarily reflect the positions of GlobalWorks Foundation.
The Trade, Aid and Security Coalition (TASC) is a nonprofit project ofGlobalWorks Foundation that builds innovative partnerships, educates opinionleaders and provides significant depth and experience on international tradeand economic policy in order to alleviate global poverty.