


10:00—11:30 AM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Roadblocks, Recovery, and Relapse: A Conversation with Tendai Biti, Former Finance Minister of Zimbabwe

Tendai Biti
Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development
Former Finance Minister of Zimbabwe

Caroline Lambert
Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development
Former Johannesburg Correspondent for the Economist

Introductory Remarks by
Todd Moss
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Fellow
Center for Global Development

Please join us for a conversation with Tendai Biti about his experience as the finance minister of Zimbabwe from 2009 to 2013. He will talk about the successes, challenges, and frustrations of trying to turn his country’s economy around in the face of hyperinflation, collapsing public institutions, and a precarious political coalition. This is a must-attend event for those interested in democracy, fragile states, and political courage.

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