Kate Raworth
Senior Researcher
Oxfam Great Britain
Linus Blomqvist
Policy Analyst
The Breakthrough Institute
Hosted by
Charles Kenny
Senior Fellow
Center for Global Development
Humanity's challenge in the 21st century is to ensure that every person has the resources needed to realize their human rights, while ensuring that humanity's total use of resources remains within the means of the planet. The 'doughnut'--a framework of planetary boundaries combined with social boundaries--sets this out in a simple but compelling way, and helps to highlight the sources of humanity's pressure on the planet. Could this framework provide a useful compass for designing Global Development Goals post 2015? And what does it imply for rethinking the aims of global economic development? Kate Raworth will discuss doughnut economics, while Linus Blomqvest of the Breakthrough Institute will discuss potential issues with the planetary boundaries hypothesis.