


9:00—10:30 AM ET | 2:00 - 3:30 PM GMT

Unlocking Africa's Sustainable Infrastructure Potential: Exploring the Global Gateway and Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment


Gyude Moore
Senior Policy Fellow, CGD

Arianna Vannini
Principal Adviser for Strategic Foresight, Chief economist, Directorate-General for International Partnerships (INTPA) at the European Commission 

Amadou Hott
Special Envoy of the President, African Development Bank for the Alliance for Green Infrastructure in Africa 

Dr. Paolo Quercia
Director of the Division on Research and Analysis, Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy 

Kyosuke Inada
Chief Representative for Europe, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


Mikaela Gavas
Senior Policy Fellow and Managing Director, CGD Europe

Thomas Birringer
Deputy Head of the Division Analysis and Consulting, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

If you have questions for our panelists, please submit them via YouTube, LinkedIn, or write to [email protected].


The Center for Global Development and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung will bring together policymakers and researchers from the G7, Europe, and Africa to discuss the potential of the Global Gateway (GG) initiative and the Partnership for Global Investment and Infrastructure (PGII) in fulfilling Africa's needs for sustainable infrastructure. Panellists will explore:

  • The benefits of the GG and the PGII for Africa
  • How the EU and the G7 can make meaningful progress in financing sustainable infrastructure in Africa

Sustainable infrastructure development is of major importance for economic growth, social progress, and environmental sustainability in Africa. However, the global infrastructure financing gap is estimated to be around $15 trillion by 2040. Facing liquidity issues and rising debt levels, many African countries experience significant challenges in raising the necessary finance to build infrastructure.

Against this backdrop, and in response to geopolitical challenges, and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the EU and the G7 have developed ambitious strategies for global infrastructure projects: the Global Gateway (GG) in 2021 and the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) in 2022. Both strategies focus on energy and climate security, transport, healthcare systems, and digital connectivity with projected investment of EUR300 billion and around EUR550 billion respectively (the Global Gateway being part of the PGII). It is unclear however the extent to which the two strategies complement each other, whether the financing will materialise and how they effectively address the infrastructure needs and priorities of partner countries. 
Please note that this event is open to pre-registered media. If you have questions regarding media engagement, please contact [email protected]

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