


11:00—12:30 PM

Wikipedia and Global Development

Peter G. Peterson Conference Center, Institute for International Economics
1750 Massachusetts Ave., NW

Featured Speaker: Jimmy “Jimbo” Wales
Founder of Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia

Jimmy Wales

Written and edited by volunteers, Wikipedia is transforming the way that knowledge is created and shared. More than 300,000 people worldwide have contributed: writing, editing, and correcting a total of more than two million articles in 25 languages. Wales recently announced that Wikipedia is exploring ways to provide off-line versions for developing countries and says that his goal is to provide a free encyclopedia to everybody in the world in her or his own language. An energizing and dynamic speaker, Wales will discuss what Wikipedia and other bottom-up approaches to knowledge creation may mean for global development.

Read more about Wikipedia in this Wired article from March 2005

Download the event transcript.

This event is sponsored by CGD's GHPRN, the Brookings Institution, and Forum One Communications.

The sponsors gratefully acknowledge the additional support of Canada’s International Development Research Centre for helping to make this event possible.


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