There is a clear economic case for accelerating investment and progress toward improved global health security: the cost of preparedness and prevention is only a fraction of the cost of response and recovery, but the financing landscape is fragmented and poorly governed.
CGD experts have been exploring ways to improve financing for preparedness, prevention, and response since long before the COVID-19 pandemic, including work on financing for the response to Ebola and antimicrobial resistance.
Since 2020, CGD’s experts have been focusing on informing the COVID-19 response and recovery efforts of the IMF and the World Bank.
In 2021, CGD supported the G20 High-Level Independent Panel (HLIP) on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response in collaboration with Bruegel. The Panel recommended the establishment of a global financing facility "to ensure adequate and sustained financing for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response." Heeding these calls, the United States government has announced its commitment to develop a Financial Intermediary Fund at the World Bank.
CGD’s experts continue to provide evidence-based analysis and commentary to support decisionmakers in securing adequate financing for pandemic preparedness across the spectrum, from disease surveillance to expanded manufacturing capacity for emergency health products.