ABCs of the IFIs

The international financial institutions (IFIs) are major sources of financial and technical assistance for developing countries and play a critical role in promoting economic development. CGD's “ABCs of the IFIs” policy briefs provide background information and practical analysis of the financial and governance characteristics of the IFIs and of the US relationship with these institutions.

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ABCs of the IFIs: Understanding the World Bank’s IDA21 Replenishment
June 17, 2024
The International Development Association (IDA)—the World Bank’s arm that works in low- and lower-middle-income countries—is one of the largest sources of development assistance for the world’s poorest countries. It is also a crucial tool for resource-constrained governments to borrow on affordable ...
The ABCs of the IFIs: Understanding the World Bank Group Evolution
July 17, 2023
In the fall of 2022, World Bank shareholders (member governments, including the United States) called for a suite of reforms aimed at better enabling the institution to respond to today’s global development challenges, such as pandemics, climate change, and natural disasters. The World Bank is one o...
The ABCs of Sovereign Debt Relief
October 11, 2022
We are living in a time when many countries face heightened debt vulnerabilities. There is no international bankruptcy mechanism for countries that default on their external obligations. The objective of the international financial architecture—historically overseen by the IMF and its shareholders— ...
ABCs of the IFIs: The African Development Fund’s 16th Replenishment
August 01, 2022
Many African countries, particularly those in sub-Saharan Africa, continue to grapple with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic while simultaneously confronting the challenges posed by slowing global growth, private capital outflows, debt distress, and the impacts of climate change. An estimate...
ABCs of the IFIs: Understanding IDA20
April 29, 2022
With the COVID-19 pandemic hitting government balance sheets especially hard in low-income countries, the World Bank’s shareholders—including the United States—agreed to an advance replenishment of its grant and low-interest loan window, the International Development Association (IDA). By holding a ...
ABCs of the IFIs: The World Bank
October 11, 2019
The World Bank is a multilateral organization that provides financial and technical assistance to developing countries. As the World Bank’s largest shareholder, the United States maintains a unique influence in shaping its agenda and has a vested interest in ensuring the institution is well ma...