The Development Diplomat: Working Across Borders, Boardrooms, and Bureaucracies to End Poverty
Fatema Z. Sumar, Author, The Development Diplomat, and Vice President, Department of Compact Operations, Millennium Challenge Corporation
HelenDempster, Policy Fellow and Assistant Program Director for Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy
Join the Center for Global Development (CGD) for a virtual discussion with author Fatema Z. Sumar on her recently released book, The Development Diplomat: Working Across Borders, Boardrooms, and Bureaucracies to End Poverty. The book explores Sumar’s experience working across US government in the development policy arena, all while raising three daughters at home. She shares stories of her travels (more than 750,000 miles worldwide), the success and failures of US foreign aid efforts, and her vision for development diplomacy. The Development Diplomat provides a roadmap for those currently working in development policy and for the next generation of policymakers.
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