There is a lot of development data out there. But how do we translate this information into better development decisions--and better outcomes?
This event, convened by the development nonprofit TechnoServe, in collaboration with the Center for Global Development, will explore some of the key questions that affect billions of aid dollars: How do we compare cost-effectiveness across a wide spectrum of projects? What would development look like if long-term impact studies were a part of every project design? How do we leverage rigorous findings of impact to scale successful projects?
Join us for a morning of lively panel discussions and a debate-style session, as we explore how to use evidence to create better policy and transform the prospects of the world’s poor.
The detailed agenda can be found here.
João Brites, Global Manager of Sustainable Development, AB InBev
Mayra Buvinic, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Dianne Calvi, Chief Executive Officer, Village Enterprise
Kealy Sloan, Program Manager, Agriculture & Development, Sustainable Food Lab
Thomas Debass, Acting Special Representative for Global Partnerships, U.S. Department of State
Kate Scaife Diaz, Director of Impact, TechnoServe
Amanda Glassman, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Elijah Goldberg, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, ImpactMatters
Randall Kempner, Executive Director, Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE)
Veronica Olazabal, Director, Measurement, Evaluation & Organizational Performance, The Rockefeller Foundation
Theresa Osborne, Deputy Chief Economist and Managing Director for Economic Analysis, Millennium Challenge Corporation
Melissa Patsalides, Director, Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research, U.S. Agency for International Development
William Warshauer, President and CEO, TechnoServe