


9:30—11:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) 1:30 - 3:00pm Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)/ 2:30 - 4:00pm British Summer Time (BST)

Where is the Money for Women’s Economic Empowerment?


  • Alex Farley-Kiwanuka, Project Manager, Women's Economic Empowerment, Publish What You Fund


  • Nnenna Nwabufo, Director General East Africa Region, African Development Bank
  • Gisela Strand, Senior Gender Equality Advisor, Sida
  • Chryspin Afifu, Gender & Women Economic Empowerment Technical Specialist, International Center for Research on Women – Africa
  • Farah Kabir, Country Director, ActionAid Bangladesh


  • Megan O’Donnell, Assistant Director, Gender Program and Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development

In recent years, donors and governments have given more attention to promoting women's economic empowerment as a development priority, but the extent to which the rhetoric has translated into increased financing remains unclear. This event will launch a research from Publish What You Fund exploring donor and government financing to address gender gaps in unpaid care work and access to financial services, among other areas of women's economic empowerment, through its new report series, Women’s Economic Empowerment: Building Evidence for Better Investments. At this event, a panel of expert donor and civil society representatives will reflect on these findings and discuss what future WEE investments should look like.

If you have questions for our panelists, please submit your comments via YouTube.

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