“The Oxford Companion to the Economics of Africa” is a comprehensive account of the key issues and topics affecting Africa's development. The book consists of 53 thematic and 48 country chapters by young African researchers, leading academics, finance ministers and central bank governors, present and former chief economists, and four Nobel Laureates in economics. Five of the Center for Global Development's fellows have contributed essays to the book and CGD Senior Fellow Alan Gelb will join eight of the other authors, including two of the editors, at The World Bank InfoShop for a lively discussion on the topic, "Whither Africa?"
Shantayanan Devarajan
Chief Economist
Africa Region
World Bank
Alan Gelb
Senior Fellow
Center for Global Development
Ravi Kanbur
T. H. Lee Professor of World Affairs
Cornell University
Homi Kharas
Senior Fellow and Deputy Director
Global Economy and Development Program
Brookings Institution
Justin Yifu Lin
Chief Economist
Development Economics
World Bank
Ita Mannathoko
Independent Evaluation Office
International Monetary Fund
Dominique Njinkeu
Program Coordinator
International Trade Department
World Bank
John Page
Senior Fellow
Global Economy and Development Department
Brookings Institution
Thomas Schelling
Distinguished Professor of Economics
University of Maryland
Lemma W. Senbet
William E. Mayer Chair Professor of Finance
University of Maryland
This event is sponsored by the InfoShop and the Office of the Chief Economist, Africa Region
About The InfoShop
The InfoShop is the public information center of the World Bank and serves as a forum for substantial debate on international development. Our extensive events program consists of more than 250 events over the past two years and has hosted many internationally recognized speakers, including Queen Noor, Francis Fukuyama, Jeffrey Sachs, Amartya Sen, Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Friedman, Former US Senator Chuck Hagel, and Carly Fiorina. The InfoShop functions as the only publicly accessible space at headquarters and provides internal and external audiences with over 10,000 titles published by the World Bank, international organizations, and other publishers on development issues.