


8:00—10:00 PM
Casa Andina Miraflores
Av. La Paz 463, Miraflores

Why Forests? Why Now? Events at the 20th UNFCCC Conference of Parties

The Center for Global Development hosted two side events in Lima during the 20th UNFCCC Conference of Parties. On December 3rd and December 5th, CGD experts Frances Seymour and Jonah Busch presented findings from their forthcoming book, Why Forests? Why Now?, which draws upon science, economics, and political analysis to show that tropical forests are essential for climate stability and sustainable development, that now is the time for action, and that payment-for-performance finance is a course of action with great potential for success. Background paper authors presented highlights from their analyses and discussed how their findings contribute to the mounting evidence of the urgency, affordability, and feasibility of scaled-up funding to reduce the rate of deforestation, particularly through performance-based approaches.

UNFCCC Side Event: Why Forests? Why Now? The Science, Economics, and Politics of Tropical Forests and Climate Change

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
4:45 – 6:15 pm
Caral Room, UNFCCC venue


Scott Goetz, Deputy Director, Woods Hole Research Center, author of Measurement and Monitoring for REDD+: The Needs, Current Technological Capabilities and Future Potential - Working Paper 392

Tony La Viña, Dean, Ateneo School of Government, author of Two Global Challenges, One Solution: International Cooperation to Combat Climate Change and Tropical Deforestation - Working Paper 388

Marigold Norman, Research Officer, Overseas Development Institute, author of The State of REDD+ Finance - Working Paper 378

Forest Pavilion: Why Forests? Why Now? The Science, Economics, and Politics of Tropical Forests and Climate Change

Friday, December 5th, 2014
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Forest Pavilion, Voices for Climate Pavilion, Jockey Club del Perú


Scott Goetz, Deputy Director, Woods Hole Research Center, author of Measurement and Monitoring for REDD+: The Needs, Current Technological Capabilities and Future Potential - Working Paper 392

Charlie Parker, Executive Director, Climate Focus, author of forthcoming Evolution of Finance for REDD+ in the UK: A history and overview of the UK government’s engagement with forest finance, with a focus on performance-based payments for REDD+

Presentation available here


The Center for Global Development and former Prime Minister of Peru and Working Group Chair, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, also hosted a reception on Monday, December 8 at the 20th UNFCCC Conference of Parties in Lima, Peru for a discussion and celebration of CGD’s forthcoming book Why Forests? Why Now? and the research of our Working Group on Performance-Based Payments to Reduce Tropical Deforestation.

Why Forests? Why Now? draws on scientific, economic, and political evidence to show that tropical forests are essential for both climate stability and sustainable development, that now is the time for action on tropical forests, and that payment-for-performance finance for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) is a course of action with great potential for success.

The working group aims to understand the political, financial, and practical obstacles that are holding back what should be large flows of funds to forest-rich countries to reward them for measured reductions in deforestation. We seek to identify practical ways to accelerate performance-based finance for tropical forests in the lead-up to COP 21 in Paris.

The reception took place on Monday, December 8, 2014 at 8:00 p.m. at the Casa Andina Miraflores (Av. La Paz 463, Miraflores). Frances Seymour and Jonah Busch presented a brief overview of the book and joined fellow CGD expert Michele de Nevers, co-chair Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, and president of the Peruvian Amazon region of Loreto, Gustavo Torres, to give remarks on the working group and local efforts. The discussion was followed by a cocktail reception to conclude around 10:00 p.m.

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