


1:30—2:30 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Arlington, VA 20036

Better Hospitals for Better Health

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Eduardo González Pier
Vice-Minister for Integration and Development of the Health Sector, Ministry of Health, Mexico

Arian Hatefi
Assistant Professor, UCSF School of Medicine

Gerald La Forgia
Lead Health Specialist, World Bank


Amanda Glassman
Vice President for Programs and Director of Global Health Policy, Center for Global Development

Maureen Lewis
Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development and Visiting Professor, Georgetown University

Hospitals are central to building and maintaining healthy populations around the world. They serve as the first point of care for many, offer access to specialized care, act as loci for medical education and research, and influence standards for national health systems at large. Yet despite their centrality within health systems, hospitals have been sidelined to the periphery of the global health agenda. As a result, many hospitals in low- and middle-income countries have failed to evolve and modernize – with sometimes tragic consequences for population health, patient safety, and the global movement to achieve universal health coverage.

The global health community must take a fresh look at its investments in hospitals, and a new CGD report – the product of its Hospitals for Health Working Group – proposes a viable path forward. Please join us for the launch of this new report and a discussion of its recommendations. The distinguished speakers will highlight the report’s findings, debate its implications for global health funders, and provide updates on the establishment of a Global Hospital Collaborative to improve hospital performance in emerging economies.


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