


1:00—5:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Street NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Girl Summit DC 2016: Keeping Our Promises to Adolescent Girls




Joyce Banda
Former President of Malawi
Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Center for Global Development

Mary Beth Goodman
Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for Development, Democracy and Humanitarian Assistance, National Security Council

Please join the International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC), Center for Global Development, Girls Not Brides USA, Population Council, the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), and CARE for the 3rd Annual GIRL SUMMIT DC: "Keeping Our Promises to Adolescent Girls."

Sarah Craven, Director of the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) Washington Office, and Lyric Thompson, Policy Director for ICRW, will launch the 2016 State of the World Population Report which features 10 girls at 10 years old and examines how our future depends on girls at this decisive age.

Leading experts will have a dialogue on how current programs and policies affect the lives of adolescent girls around the world. They will look at how the global community can build on recent groundbreaking work, and discuss what the next U.S. administration needs to do.

Panels include:

What's Next for Programs and Research?

o Suzanne Petroni, PhD, Senior Director, Global Health, Youth and Development, ICRW
o Thoai Ngo, Deputy Director, Poverty, Gender and Youth Program, Population Council
o Doris Bartel, Director for Gender & Empowerment, CARE
o Moderator - Kakenya Ntaiya, PhD, Kakenya Center for Excellence 

After Obama - What the US Still Needs to Do for Girls

o Helena Minchew, Program Officer, US Foreign Policy, IWHC, and GNB USA Co-Chair
o Caitlin Horrigan, Associate Director, Global Advocacy, Planned Parenthood Federation of America
o Andrea Bertone, PhD, Director of Gender, FHI360  
o Moderator - Daniela Ligiero, PhD, CEO, Together for Girls 

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