


9:00—5:15 PM
Center for Global Development
1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
First Floor Conference Center
Washington, DC 20036

Impact Evaluation: Can We Learn More? Better?

A conference hosted by the Center for Global Development (CGD) and co-sponsored by the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)

Remarks by
Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development
Richard Manning, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation

Morning Session Panelists
Suzanne Duryea, Inter-American Development Bank
John Hoddinott, International Food Policy Research Institute
Scott Rozelle, Stanford University
Justin Sandefur, Center for Global Development
William Savedoff, Center for Global Development

Afternoon Session Panelists
Annette Brown, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
Orlando Gracia, Sinergia
David McKenzie, World Bank
Howard White, International Initiative for Impact Evaluation

The impact evaluation world has changed dramatically through a range of initiatives at research institutions, think tanks, development agencies, and governmental policy units. It has now been seven years since CGD’s Evaluation Gap Working Group released “When Will We Ever Learn? Improving Lives Through Impact Evaluation,” and four years since the launch of 3ie.

The purpose of this conference is to reflect on what has been achieved in recent years, to consider how the environment has and has not changed, to assess existing initiatives aimed at improving the supply and use of high quality evidence and to provide ideas for 3ie as it considers the next stage of its strategy within this landscape. Please note that the afternoon sessions will be organized to include small group discussions with the intention of generating specific and useful ideas for future action.

Click Here to View Full Agenda

Speaker Presentations:

Impact Evaluation? Where have we been? Where are we going?, William Savedoff

Impact Evaluation: Progress and challenges, Suzanne Duryea
Evolution of Evaluation, Scott Rozelle
What Are We Learning about Learning from Experiments? (It Depends.), Justin Sandefur
What Are We Learning from Impact Evaluations? Use of IEs in selected sectors, John Hoddinott
Challenges in the Use of Impact Evaluations for Policy, Orlando Gracia
Public Goods for More Impact from Impact Evaluations and Next Steps for 3ie, David McKenzie


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