


10:00—11:00 AM ET / 3:00-4:00 PM BST

Sankofa: Appreciating the Past in Planning the Future of Early Childhood Education, Care, and Development in Africa


Alan Pence, Professor Emeritus, School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria, and UNESCO Co-Chair for ECD

Patrick Makokoro, Director, ECDinAfrica, Center for Global Studies, University of Victoria

HB Ebrahim, Research Professor and UNESCO Co-Chair for ECD, University of South Africa

Oumar Barry, Professor and UNESCO Co-Chair for ECD, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, Senegal


Elizabeth Lule, Executive Director, Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN)


Kehinde Ajayi, Director of CGD's Gender Equality and Inclusion Program and CGD Senior Fellow

Africa has the greatest concentration of young children globally. Yet, the world hears too little about early childhood education, care, and development from the continent. Stories and perspectives of early education in Africa, and other parts of the world, are rich, diverse, and full of local knowledge and traditions. But that diversity is not represented and recognized at the global level today. -- Sankofa

Join the Center for Global Development for a virtual discussion with editors Alan Pence, Patrick Makokoro, and HB Ebrahim on their recently released book, Sankofa: Appreciating the Past in Planning the Future of Early Childhood Education, Care and Development in Africa. The book “seeks to address long-standing concerns and inequities regarding the missing voices, data and knowledge in this field from Africa. It aims to tell African stories and experiences through their own contextualized understandings of education for their youngest citizens.” The event will include a presentation of the book by the editors. Speakers will then discuss the implications of the book’s findings for early childhood development, women’s economic empowerment, and care policies in Africa. 

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