The policies and programs of major country governments wield enormous influence on global development progress. CGD’s teams in Washington and Europe provide timely research and analysis to inform government policies that have implications for low- and middle-income countries.
Policies and programs of major country governments wield enormous influence on global development. Our Washington-based experts seek to strengthen US foreign assistance tools with proposals for reform grounded in rigorous analysis and evidence. In London, CGD experts generate practical proposals for Europe and the UK to enhance their effectiveness as global development actors and their collective impact within the international development system. Our Commitment to Development Index ranks many of the world’s advanced economies by their policies’ impact on developing countries.
Each year, we convene the heads of bilateral and multilateral development agencies at CGD's Development Leaders Conference to consider new approaches to the biggest development challenges, and including governments and development leaders from outside of OECD countries
Our work also encompasses research on aid effectiveness, including exploring the potential for results-based financing, urging the use and generation of sound evidence in development programming and policymaking, encouraging thoughtful approaches to make development more locally-led, and promoting transparency.
The Future of UK Development Policy
The UK was once seen as a leader in international development, but amid a series of crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and spikes in energy and food prices triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it has stepped back in recent years, with majo...
The UK Role in Global Health: Present Challenges and Future DirectionsVIRTUAL
February 21, 2024 6:00—7:30 AM EDT | 11.00am – 12:30pm GMT -
Blog Post
How Should the ‘D’ in FCDO Be Organized?January 25, 2024