


4:00—7:00 PM
Center for Global Development
2055 L Stree NW
- Fifth Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Horizons and Boundaries: What Technology Can Do to Advance Development and What It Cannot

The Tenth Annual Richard H. Sabot Lecture


Anne-Marie Slaughter
President and CEO
New America Foundation


Nancy Birdsall
Center for Global Development


On Tuesday, April 28, the Center for Global Development hosted Anne-Marie Slaughter, President and CEO of the New America Foundation, as the speaker for the annual Richard H. Sabot lecture. Dr. Slaughter’s talk was entitled "Horizons and Boundaries: What Technology Can Do to Advance Development and What It Cannot".

Now in its tenth year, the Richard H. Sabot Lecture honors the memory of Dick Sabot, a friend, co-author, and founding member of CGD's board of directors.

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