


10:00—11:30 AM
Center for Global Development

Access to Medicines: The Puzzling Case of Praziquantel

Michael R. Reich, Taro Takemi Professor of International Health Policy, Harvard School of Public Health and Director, Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies gave a talk entitled "Access to Medicines: The Puzzling Case of Praziquantel."

ABSTRACT: The proliferation of global health partnerships has improved access to medicine in developing countries and, in doing so, has significantly shaped the existing market for these drugs. However, financial sustainability is critical for countries to ensure the continued availability of treatment. The impact of the Schistosomiasis Control Initiative on the supply and demand of praziquantel is used as a case study to examine the emerging pharmaceutical markets and analyze strategies for long term sustainability. Some of the issues to be discussed include: the role of drug donations in health initiatives; the market response to a single purchaser; the effect of regulatory procedures on the introduction of pharmaceutical products; the importance of information in stimulating consumer demand; and the establishment of local suppliers and manufacturers.


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