


9:00—10:30 AM
Center for Global Development
1800 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Third Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Performance-Based Incentives in Health Care: Evaluation of Argentina’s Plan Nacer

Paul Gertler
Li Ka Shing Professor at the Business and Public Health Schools
University of California, Berkeley

Máximo Andrés Diosque
Secretary of Health Promotion Programs
Ministry of Health, Argentina

Keith Hansen
Acting Vice President, Human Development Network
World Bank Gruop

José Prieque
General Coordinator
Unidad de Financiamiento Internacional de Salud

Martín Sabignoso
National Programs, SUMAR

Moderated by
Amanda Glassman
Director of Global Health Policy and Senior Fellow
Center for Global Development

Since 2004, the Government of Argentina has run an innovative results-based financing program --Plan Nacer--aimed at providing basic health insurance to two million uninsured pregnant women and children, while creating incentives to provinces and health service providers to expand coverage of key services at a standard of quality. The program, supported in part by the World Bank, was accompanied by a rigorous impact evaluation that sought to establish whether results-based incentives made a difference for the utilization and quality of services, and for health status of beneficiary children and women. At this CGD event, the panelists will set out key features of the program, report on new results from the impact evaluation and reflect on the program’s relevance in the context of efforts to experiment with result-based incentives to improve health and health services around the world.

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