Which Countries Will the Millennium Challenge Corporation Select for Fiscal Year 2011?
On Tuesday, December 7, 2010 the Center for Global Development was pleased to host a discussion on which countries the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s (MCC) board of directors is likely to select as eligible for FY2011 funding. This deliberation marks the eighth round of the MCC eligibility selection process. CGD director of policy outreach Sarah Jane Staats runs the Center’s MCA Monitor and forecasted which countries the MCC board is likely to select for FY2011 compact and threshold funding during its December 15th board meeting. Drawing on a forthcoming MCA Monitor analysis, she and co-author Casey Dunning explored current issues affecting the MCC’s selection process, including second compacts, compact implementation, budget uncertainty, and the revised threshold program—and suggested principles that should guide the MCC board and management team as they choose eligible countries for FY2011.
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