- Ibrahim Elbadawi, Minister of Finance and Economy, Sudan
- Gargee Ghosh, Director of Development Policy & Finance, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Ian Mitchell, Co-Director of Development Cooperation in Europe and Senior Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development
- Matthew Rycroft, Permanent Secretary, Department for International Development, United Kingdom
- Satu Santala, Director General, Department for Development Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland
- Masood Ahmed, President, Center for Global Development
For OECD-DAC countries who still provide substantial volumes of aid, do we agree on and still care about principles, measures and comparisons of what makes development aid “effective”? The context has changed significantly since donor countries agreed principles in a series of high-level meetings in Rome, Paris and Accra: not least the importance of fragile states; global public goods; and emerging development actors who do not recognize ‘aid’.
This panel will bring together high-level speakers to hear varying perspectives on whether there is still value in agreeing and measuring donor behaviors and if comparisons can drive improvements.
A light lunch will be available starting at 12:00 pm.